Here are a few videos of Sam over the last month or two...
Here's the boy enjoying his time at WDW...
On the beach...
Samuel and James racing across the bedroom (before our household goods arrived). I was so bummed when I realized the video had been cut short due to my phone running out of memory. Nevertheless, I love it...
Just days before turning one, already tormenting the pup...
Lastly, an afternoon with my boys. Samuel's ultimate goal was to get to his bookshelf. He loves pulling every book off the shelf...
Oh, sweet Sam. Seeing these makes me realize I need to get on the ball and record more footage. Before I know, he'll be talking. Crazy!
Cute Cute Cute. Oh my goodness. These videos are so amazingly sweet! He is Mr. Personality. I love his smile. What does Oba think of mobile Sam? He looks a bit concerned. :-)