Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In which Obadiah needs a bath...

So today didn't consist of much beyond relaxing at home. That was until Oba decided to roll around in crap (literally) during one of his adventures in the backyard. Yeah, that was fantastic! Once we realized it, we sent him right upstairs to get a bath. This isn't exactly an event that he typically enjoys, and today was no different. He always tries to find escape routes as we head to the bathroom, because he knows what's coming. With each attempted detour, the word, "No," seems to get him back on course though. Such a hard life this pup lives...

Luckily, he behaved himself and patiently let James wash that nastiness off of him. I'm sure the fresh running ice cold water had nothing to do with it -- who can turn down a refreshing beverage?
Or the apparent massage...
On a side note...maybe it's just us, but his ears looked abnormally long today...
Here's hoping tomorrow doesn't include a repeat of today's fun events. Since James is now caught up on New Moon, we might make the attempt at seeing Eclipse -- that is if there are any tickets left! I heard our local theater sold out all 16 screens for the midnight showing. Wow! We didn't plan ahead and buy tickets, so I guess we'll see. If not, no biggie. We're not die hard fans or anything, but it would be fun to watch...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Oba, that silly pup. His ears do look long! I'm glad my dogs haven't found the joy of rolling around in poo, although they still smell like poo after awhile. They probably could use a bath too. At least James is around now to help you out with that crazy pup! Yay! Hope you two are having fun, share some tips of places to go and things to see, I always trust your opinion, Vin and I would like to do some PNW exploring this summer since it's probably our last one out here for awhile at least.

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