Thursday, July 21, 2016

Preparing For The School Year And The Rest Of The Alphabet...

We're less than a month away from school starting. I can't believe it! Even though our schedule isn't slowing down and I'm having a hard time finding a way to accomplish all that I wanted to this summer, I'm trying to get us prepared for the big day. I'm a planner and I know if I don't get things prepped and planned, it just won't happen. So while my mom was in town (keeping the boys occupied), I made a planner in photoshop that I plan to print out and use for lesson planning. Can I just say, I can't believe my kid is going to be in kindergarten?!
Even though he's not going the traditional route and I won't have to say goodbye as he walks into those big elementary school doors, it's still hard to handle. He's beyond thrilled. He's prepped and ready with his desk and fun supplies (Scooby-Doo, Paw Patrol and Cars-themed), and he can't WAIT for his weekly class that he'll be going to. It's so cute. He continues to remind people how he's 5 now and he's going into kindergarten. So proud. I love it. Oh, after I put the alphabet up on the wall (one of those long narrow sets that go across the top of the wall and the around the room), he came in and collapsed. I asked what was wrong and his response was, "My heart just melted." Haha. The alphabet set is super hero themed with cute little masked heroes running around a downtown setting in between the letters. He was so excited, ha. I love how even the little things can make a kid's day.

Anyways. Back to that planner I made...So I went ahead and put it on Etsy if anyone is interested in using it for their own homeschool (or traditional)...

As you can tell, I'm trying to make Sam's school room an exciting place for him to be. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to blog about the Murphy bed I made, but now that it's (almost completely) done, Sam and Caleb have been thoroughly enjoying their new huge chalkboard. I love the looks Caleb gives Sam. He adores his big bro!

(Do you see all the chalk dust on Caleb's shirt? By the time they were done, you'd think Caleb had rolled around in a pile of chalk dust -- he was covered from head to toe! I guess that's a sign that he enjoyed it, ha.)

Okay, because the boys are asleep and I really should be joining them in a minute, I guess I'll hold off on blogging more for now. However, before I go, for those using them, I FINALLY finished the Paw Patrol letters! Finally!!! For those that have emailed me, thank you for your patience. I really can't believe it took this long, but they're done now! :)

Here's W, X, Y and Z...

The letter W...

The letter X...

The letter Y...

The letter Z...

And there you have it. The entire alphabet. I hope you're able to enjoy them! Our two year old, Caleb, will start doodling on them this fall as a way to keep him occupied while I teach his big bro. Yay for dry erase markers and sheet protectors! The fun never stops, ha.


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for such a great tool! I was in the midst of putting together practice materials for my own little pre-K munchkin when I stumbled upon your blog - Paw Patrol is sure to capture her interest! I can't seem to locate the Letter D- could you advise what date D was posted or share the link? Many thanks!


    2. I apologize for being so absent! Life has been crazy the last 2 weeks. Thank you (anonymous) for helping post the link. I'm glad to hear you're able to use these for your kiddo! :)

  2. Do you have a link for the complete file of the entire alphabet? TIA.

    1. Unfortunately not at this time. Sorry my message was so delayed. :)

  3. Hi
    We are really enjoying using these as we have Paw Patrol fans here too. Would you have the letter 'l' completed as well? If so, could you possibly point me in the right direction for the letter formation and the finding game. Thanks :-)

    1. Trudi,

      I'm so glad you're able to use these! :) Here's a link to the letter "I"...
