Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My Boy Is Growing Up -- The Top Bunk And Homeschooling...

Since when did Samuel become old enough to sleep on the top bunk?! We have been wavering back and forth on when we'd let him finally sleep up there, then he asked if he could tonight. How could we say no?! He already climbs up there on his own without the ladder without issue -- not that I'm a fan of that, but at least I know he's skilled enough to handle it. So, we brought the ladder down and went ahead and said yes. Let's just say, the boy was in HEAVEN! He was so proud. Tonight was a big night in his book.

He picked out the stuffed animals he wanted up there with him and after I read him a few books, he turned around and went right to sleep. Sigh…so grown up…

Do you like how the room is orange? Yeah, in typical Sam-fashion, his lamp is orange…his favorite color. He may or may not be slightly obsessed, ha.

(Excuse the mess on the bottom bunk. The top is usually the catch-all for his stuffed animals and pillows, so they all got moved down there for the night.)

On another note, homeschooling has officially begun. I had planned on waiting to start on August 3rd like our local elementary school. However, Sam really wanted to work on it and has been asking off and on for the past month, so I decided to go for it. For now, he's only at preschool level, so it's nothing too intense -- just letters/numbers/shapes/colors/writing/etc. We spent about 30 minutes going through activities based on the letter A -- story, song, visuals, coloring page, etc. Before bed, he asked if he could paint a page based on what we learned earlier. How could I say no? So we broke out the watercolors and did a little extra. The kid was super proud and wanted to take a picture for his "Da-Dewey" (Grandma Julie) -- love that cutie!

Here he is, proudly showing off his desk this morning. He picked it out. Can you tell? Orange table legs, orange chair…IKEA had an orange table top, but it was a busy print, so we sadly said no.

So focused…

Abraham the Alligator. Sam started to get carried away and colored the whole page after we did letter recognition. Here he is, proudly showing it off for "Da-Dewey." It'll be fun once we really get going and take on crafts with each lesson...

I hope to get back on here more often, especially as we really get into the world of homeschooling. Like years ago when I used this as my personal therapy session after Olivia's passing, as well as Samuel's baby book -- poor Caleb got screwed on that one -- it'd be nice to document our experiences as we embark on this journey. Guess we'll see! Tomorrow marks Day 2...

1 comment:

  1. Love his obsession with orange! Glad he's so excited about school!
